Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Seems Severe

When you read this array of punishments prescribed, things in North America do not seem so bad.
In the middle east many of the current western issues are not open to discussion, let alone debate.
It bears adding that some of these stringent rules are waived when the victim is Jewish or Christian.

No western politician is going to solve it either.  
The current flock of refugees entering Europe, if experience serves, do not want to assimilate, they, for the most part, just want to have an economic chance of survival, for the worst part a minority wants to travel undetected so they can kill.
Xenophobic, or not, I am against making special provisions for letting these folks into the United States.  Members of the EU should follow the same protective posture. The problem needs to be solved by Islamic reformation and that will not happen as long as the pressure is allowed to be dissipated over peaceful western countries.  Things will have to be much worse before the internal need to reform will grow.

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